Nuñez Calderón, Manuela2022-08-082022-08-082019 Colombian State must meet certain requirements to be constituted as a Social State of Law, where it can be seen how the situation of the Country differs from others that have the same political model. At first sight you can determine the main causes, among them the economy of the country. The present graduation project relates the economic development with the fulfillment of rights of Colombian population. It handles elements that should be considered, such as a chronological timeline to understand the situation that has happened in Colombia over past years and that has allowed it to be built as a social state of law. By observing the fulfillment of fundamental rights, it is possible to acknowledge the current situation that the citizens of the territory are experiencing.esDesarrollo económico colombianoEstado Social de DerechoDerechos HumanosVulneración de Derechos Humanos¿Por qué el desarrollo económico incide en la constitución del estado social de derecho colombiano? : Proyecto de GradoThesis