Salazar Isaza, Manuela2022-08-052022-08-052019 tourism consists in the interaction of the tourist with an animal, either through observation, physical contact, photography or manual feeding. This type of tourism has increased in recent years, in places of the word with greater biodiversity, including the Amazon. Most of the places where there is the possibility of carrying out this type of interaction, present an inadequate nagement of wildlife, which affects it in different ways, the Amazon is not the exception to these practices. Social networks and the henomenon of selfies, generate physical and psychological complications in the fauna, impacts which few are known by tourist. This work seeks to inquire about the way in which tourism is affecting wildlife in the Amazon, due to its biological relevance and the economic and social implications. For this purpose, different tourist attractions with wildlife are visited: the Isla de los Micos, the BioPark and the Parque Zoobotânico de Tabatinga through a qualitative study with a descriptive and qualitativeapproach. A field visit is made to the Amazon, and interviews with Corpoamazonia officials, BioPark workers, and tourists present in the area. It was found that not all tourist attractions present the appropriate conditions for wildlife, especially outside of Colombia and that there are still many actions to be taken in terms of protection of wildlife and environmental awareness in the¿De qué manera el turismo salvaje puede afectar la fauna silvestre en la Amazonía? : Proyecto de GradoThesis