Gutiérrez Bernal, Isabel2022-08-102022-08-102020, human beings are passing through a period in which animals became an everyday thing on almost everyone’s life to the point that six out of ten families in Colombia own a pet where Bogotá, Medellín and Cali are the cities with more prevalence (Benavides, 2019). If you pretend to have a healthy relationship with them it is important to understand the benefits and disadvantages, they can bring. Therefore, this paper investigates the generalities of the relationship between having pets at a young age and allergic sensitisation, which can be understood as the disproportionate reaction of an organism to an increase sensitivity to a certain antigen ( INSTITUTO DE INMUNOLOGÍA Y ALERGIA S.A.U., (s.f)).esAlergias - CausasMascotasAlergias en niños¿De qué manera la convivencia de niños entre 2 y 5 años con mascotas influye en el desarrollo de alergias? : Proyecto de GradoThesis