Madrid Sánchez, Valentina2022-05-252022-05-252019’s generations have changed, as technology is taking the world, in the future it is said that technology will be everything in business, in homes, in education, among others. For this reason, this research was created about the experience of costumers in virtual shopping centers in common with those already existing (physical ones), and it was intended to establish the feelings of customers in a physical world and in a virtual world as technology progresses more and more. Phenomena such as technology have been implemented around the requirements of this generation, the actual shopping centers are no longer like in previous years that people had no greater knowledge of the technology. Thanks to this, people buy more through websites because of what they represent; products come home without consumers having to move, and also do not waste time at the time of payment as it is possible to make it through the same site, and if the product is not wanted, you can make use of the system of returns, there is also access to reimbursement of money. This work also intends to leave an idea of future work for the Marymount School, which consists in a model of "Bookstore online", so that the different users of this place can have easier access in the purchases, and thus promote the use of this store which is so precious to the Institution.esComercio ElectrónicoSitios WebPagos en línea¿Cómo mantener la experiencia del cliente en un centro comercial virtual como si se estuviera en un espacio físico? : Proyecto de GradoThesis