Giraldo Zamora, Andrea2022-08-112022-08-112020 commerce has been a helpful tool for multiple people around the world, especially for those who are willing to start as entrepreneurs but decide to avoid making expenses that are not essential for this type of business, especially in its beginning. Therefore, the following project calls into question whether search engines and social application, affect in a specific manner in which these ventures, that base their sales through these platforms; likewise, it wants to show how these companies are looking for methods in which to improve their positioning in contrast to other users located in cyberspace.esMercadeo en redes socialesEmprendimiento¿Cuál es el impacto causado por los buscadores y aplicaciones, en las empresas comercializadoras de alimentos en crecimiento que basan su venta de productos a través de las redes? : Proyecto de GradoThesis