Valdés Pérez, Sara2022-05-252022-05-252019 environment is one of the factors that affect a person when buying a product, the adolescent consumer is exposed to technology, information and advertising, making them want to buy certain products and be aligned with the new market trends. In order to see the impact that the environment has on the decision to purchase a consumer, an investigation was conducted on how this affects adolescents in the cities of Miami and Medellín against technological consumption. As cities are completely different culturally and socially, market strategies should be focused on understanding the environment and the needs that the consumer has to meet their needs. To validate the hypothesis raised in this work of how the environment influences the purchase decision of adolescents against technological consumption. There will be an investigation about the consumer, which influences him to make a decision, what the environment consists of and what aspects are relevant when defining a market strategy in a globalized world. Finally, mixed surveys will be applied to adolescents in these cities to determine if the environment (reference groups, sensory experience, family, culture and technology) influences their decision.esMercadeoTecnologíaAdolescentes¿Cómo el entorno influye en la decisión de compra de un adolescente frente al consumo de tecnología? : Proyecto de GradoThesis