2022-05-252022-05-252020https://dspace.marymount.edu.co/xmlui/handle/4444.1/132The penitentiary system has been affected by several factors, the inefficient and timely Colombian judicial system that generates phenomena such as overcrowding and the lack of allocation of government resources that guarantee maintaining a reasonable occupation of inmates in penitentiary centers, according to the number of people it can hold at the time it was designed. Another finding found shows that prison designs vary depending on space and area, they are divided into generations, depending on the year in which they were built. Today, the overcrowding of prisons in Colombia shows scandalous figures, above 54.9% occupancy. The resources assigned by the government are not enough to sustain the minimum living conditions of these people, much less the maintenance and adaptation of the structures of these penitentiary centers. These variables play an important role when it comes to the inmates' resocialization process, this research shows how the incidence of prison architecture decisively influences the mental health of people incarcerated in these centers, in such a way that the adaptation processes and of re-socialization become fallacies of the Colombian prison system. In conclusion, the Colombian prison system shows a significant deficiency in which the government, apparently, has had no real interest, with the consequent result of having today penitentiary centers that can become real time bombs whose situation is extremely critic.esArquitecturaSistema carcelarioSalud MentalHacinamiento¿Cómo las estructuras arquitectónicas de las cárceles en Colombia afectan los sentimientos y emociones de los reclusos? : Proyecto de GradoThesis