López Gómez, Juanita2022-08-112022-08-112020https://dspace.marymount.edu.co/xmlui/handle/4444.1/704For the past few decades, anxiety disorders have been raging. Around 21% of adolescents in the 21st century suffer from a mental disorder (Sanz, 2005), and many of them are not aware of how these may be affecting their daily life in a significant way, especially how they can affect their social relationships. From this, the characteristics of interpersonal relationships in adolescents suffering from an anxiety disorder such as generalized anxiety (GAD) and how it can have an impact on their daily lives are exposed in this research. It should be noted that adolescence is a time of changes at the physiological, anatomical and emotional level, and during this time human beings seek to establish bonds that are based on trust and support, but that support is detached from the family nucleus to build itself in the social circle of friends, thus, it is easier to cope with the various fluctuations experienced in this age. For adolescents with GAD, it is vital to have that support, but it is not easy to achieve it because they experience a series of difficult sensations to handle and, therefore, building social relationships is somewhat complex. Therefore, family and friends must be a solid base to support these adolescents, since it is about their rejection or indifference not being added to their mental and physical health.esAdolescentes - AnsiedadAdolescentes - Relaciones Interpersonales¿Cómo la ansiedad generalizada incide en las relaciones interpersonales de los adolescentes? : Proyecto de GrtadoThesis