Ochoa Mejía, Antonia2022-05-252022-05-252019https://dspace.marymount.edu.co/xmlui/handle/4444.1/128Business models have had to be reinvented over time and many of these differ because they have implemented innovation techniques within the companies that have served them either to differentiate themselves or even to speed up processes. Innovation has become a word used lately and this one refers to changing the traditional way of doing things and developing projects efficiently. Normally, in business you get to have very innovative ideas, you start with a lot of force, but then you see internal and external barriers that weaken them, so you have to keep in mind that really to make innovation the important thing is to implement all those ideas that alleviate the pains of the users and to execute them. This requires prior knowledge of the complete ecosystem, understanding of users and business needs; in addition, a great effort and commitment from the whole team. To foster innovation within organizations, it is essential to work with a diverse group of people who can provide different points of view and when talking about co- creating, the company’s leaders are also included, mainly inspire leaders who can empower other employees to achieve great things. Therefore, it is necessary that companies understand and study, in detail, the user in order to provide the best experience, and that the user is satisfied.es¿Cómo se están diseñando los nuevos modelos de negocio a partir de la innovación? : Proyecto de GradoThesis