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dc.contributor.authorJaramillo Pérez, Paula
dc.description.abstractThe nature that surrounds us is what keeps each and every human being alive, without it we would not survive or lead the life that we have today. It is unfortunate that while the environment provides us subsistence, we ruthlessly snatch it away. This has been going on for many years, knowing that nature has existed longer than we humans have. It is time to return to the environment everything that has not been respected and what better way than through architecture, which has been partially responsible for so much damage. Design in architecture can harmonize with nature, but it is necessary for it to know it, understand it and help it in the friendliest way possible; For this, there are several techniques, designs and construction methods, although it is not enough without a complete environmental awareness.en_US
dc.publisherMedellín : Marymount School Medellínen_US
dc.subjectArquitectura Sostenibleen_US
dc.subjectDiseño Arquitectónicoen_US
dc.title¿Cómo un diseño arquitectónico puede propender al cuidado y conservación de la naturaleza? : Proyecto de Gradoen_US

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