¿Cuál es el panorama laboral real al que se enfrentan las mujeres en Colombia en la actualidad? : Proyecto de Grado

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Medellín : Marymount School Medellin
The following research project provides an overview of the labor panorama of women in Colombia. In particular, it studies the access conditions of the female population to different jobs (making a comparison with men) and the gender wage gap. In order to make a complete and informed analysis, the existing Colombian legislation is analyzed, including an assessment of the political constitution, the Código Sustantivo del Trabajo, Law 1457 of 2011 and Law 1257 of 2008. Additionally, the jurisprudence regarding the subject is further evaluated, as different judgements by the Constitutional Court, including Sentence T 247 of 2010 and Sentence T 878 of 2014, are studied. However, this phenomenon must be contextualized, since the principal objective of the present social investigation is to understand its occurrence in reality. For this purpose, news and informs about the described situation, are studied. Nevertheless, in order to ground the investigation and be able to compare it with a real social fact, a field work is implemented, in which a population conformed by 15 women who are part of the actual Colombian labor force (5 belonging to strata 1 and 2; 5 belonging to strata 3 and 4; and 5 belonging to strata 5 and 6) represent the real labor panorama for women in Colombia nowadays and assess different discriminatory behaviors in this area.
Equidad de Género, Desigualdad de género, Brecha laboral de género, Violencia de género, Discriminación Laboral